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Bottled ‘Fresh Air’ Now Being Sold

Bottled Air for Sale

As we continue to pollute the air, we might be seeing a future were fresh air becomes so rare that you need to buy them. Should we wait for this to happen? If we don’t want it to happen then WE SHOULD ACT NOW!

From Social Experiment To Reality: Bottled ‘Fresh Air’ Now Being Sold Online In India

How much are you willing to spend to inhale some fresh air? Rs 12.50 a breath or Rs 550 for a ten-litre bottle? While rising pollution has robbed us of the liberty to inhale clean and pure air, some businesses in India and even worldwide are entering the business of ‘bottled fresh air’.

Reportedly, the market for clean air is booming in China ever since the product’s inception, however, the trend is catching on in the Indian markets as well. After the success of Vitality Air, a Canada-based start-up which sold canned natural air from the Canadian Rockies to Indian consumers in 2016, other companies soon started to fill the void in this newly created market for fresh air. Vitality Air, which started as a novelty in 2015 sold their products in India in 3-litre and 8-litre cans priced between Rs 1,450 and Rs 2,800.

Read Full Article: The Logical Indian

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